On the morning of Wednesday the 17th, day three of arts week, the school was graced with the presence of Dylan Brown, the creative director of Pixar Canada. Mr. Brown is responsible for the likes of Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, and his personal favorite, Ratatouille
With a slew of photos and videos in tow, Brown walked us though the animation process. Together we witnessed the movements of a live rat crawling about a mound of cheese become the adorable, expressive and understandable Remme, from Ratatouille. He demonstrated how dramatically subtleties in appearance and motion can impact our interpretation of characters.
Films aside, he also discussed the inhibiting properties of perfectionism, but also the importance of refining creative ideas. Near the end of the talk, Brown also explained his creative processes, speaking to the procedures of idea conception, execution, and reflection. He closed with questions from the audience.
All in all, Brown was concise, expressive and engaging. His words were heard, and appreciated. We hope to see him again sometime in the future.