Arts Week: James Lin

James Lin at Bird Point



Last week, the student artists of St. George’s school put on their spectacular art works during the school’s annual Arts Week so the whole school and the community could celebrate St. Georgians’ talent and creativity. Throughout the week, students and faculties had the privilege of enjoying different art works done by students across all grades. This year, James Lin, a grade 12 student, had numerous pieces displayed for the school to enjoy. James Lin has been an active and vital part of the arts community at St. George’s School.

When asked about his thoughts on Arts Week, he responded, “Arts Week is an annual event that many students, including myself, always look forward to. With diverse guest speakers, the Rigg Scholars’ art gallery, and Contemporary Music Night, Arts Week proves to be the best week Saints offers to its students and the general public in the community. Guest speakers like Zach Lieberman readdress how with imagination, one can create art that can make a world of a difference.”

James has had a myriad of enchanting experiences with the art program at St. George’s. His favorite event is the Drawing and Painting 12’s annual retreat at Bird Point. This three-day art retreat is designed to enable students to relax, reflect, and paint. His most memorable art experiences “are those spent with teachers like Mr. O’Connor, Pavi, and Mr. Wilke.” In fact, he explained, “for the past five years, I’ve had the absolute pleasure to be mentored by such incredible and talented art teachers. From the day I decided to pursue a career in animation to the day I got accepted to Sheridan College, the ample amount of support and enthusiasm from the teachers along the way I do not take for granted and am forever grateful”.

Thanks to the wonderful teachers who have in one way or another shaped and reshaped James, he aspires to become an entertaining and inspiring animator. He wishes to continue to learn from a plethora of highly recognized talents and artists like Glen Keane and Pete Docter.

Arts Week was a success. Thanks to everyone who participate in one way or another.

We wish James the best of luck in his future endeavours.