Saints’ First Woodwork Rigg Scholar: Griffin Smith

Griffin Smith, (11) the first woodwork Rigg Scholar of St. George’s, working on his new piece. Photo Taken By: Chris Kwon (11)

As it always has been around this time of the year, artists of St. George’s school displayed their best art pieces in the Upper and Lower Great Halls. The pieces came in various spectrums; some were acrylic paintings, some photographs, some pots, and this year, some carpentry. This year, woodwork was introduced to the Rigg scholarship program. And there was one applicant who also became the initial Rigg woodwork scholar: Griffin Smith. (11)

Griffin fell in love with ceramics and woodwork in Grade 8, and the relationship continued. He somehow managed art as well as sports, as he is also a passionate rugby player. When asked about his reaction for being the first ever Rigg scholar of woodwork, Griffin replied, “It is an honour to be Saints’ very first woodwork Rigg scholar.” He is also “excited to expand my knowledge and help other students in the woodshop.”