Harker Hall Mt. Washington Trip

On February 26th, 30 boarders rushed to Harker Hall to get changed for the Mount Washington trip. The bus was filled with excitement to ski with some girls from Queen Margaret’s School for the weekend. However, the Friday fatigue took over them along with the long bus ride to the Tsawwassen ferry station. There were more conversations happening after the ferry ride, but all that the guys wanted was a good night sleep once they got to the cabin.

At around 11p.m., the bus came to a stop in the middle of the mountain. The boys got up, stretched, started to grab their bags, and asked where their rooms were. However, they had to go meet the girls, have some snack, and participate in some ice-breaker activities. Obviously, it wasn’t the most comfortable situation for the boys to be in, regarding the fact that they just finished their 6-hour trip, and it was almost midnight. But they tried their best to show that they were glad to meet the girls and that they were excited to ski with them the following day. Once the activities came to and end, it was time to actually head to the boys’ own cabins. They quickly got organized and crashed their heads into the pillows.

Saturday was an early morning for the boarders. They woke up at 7 AM for breakfast. By 8:30 everyone was in the lodge to get chairlift tickets and their rentals so they could head up the mountain for the day. Once everyone was sorted with their ski and snowboard gear everyone got into groups to go up the chairlift with. Unfortunately, there was quite a significant skiing/snowboarding skill gap between the boys from Saints and the girls from QMS which lead to a divide in the groups because as the day progressed the groups shifted from being mixed with boys and girls to becoming more homogenized.

The conditions weren’t the best but they definitely weren’t too bad so the boarders made the most out of the day skiing. At 12 o’clock everyone went back to their cabins to check in and grab a bite to eat. The boarders ate quick because they were itching to get back out on the hills. After lunch most people went back out to ski while some stayed in and relaxed for a bit.

After a few hours everyone gathered once again at 5 PM for dinner. For this meal the QMS girls came over to the SGS cabin to have dinner together. After a big feast of pasta everyone chilled and digested before deciding their plans for the rest of the night. Some people went back out for night skiing, some went snow tubing, and some decided to stay in and watch a movie or go in the hot tub. Whatever decision the boarders made they all enjoyed their selves.

As the night came to a close, the boarders returned their rentals and said their goodbyes to the girls from QMS. The girls went back to their cabins and everyone relaxed for the the last few hours of their final night.

The moment the boys woke up, they were not in a good mood. It was dumping snow outside, and they were to leave in a few hours after cleaning up the house and loading up the trailer. It snowed so much overnight that it was necessary to shovel the snow away to create some space for people to walk. As Dylan said, “It was a real shame we couldn’t stay for another day because seeing all the snow made me want to get back on the mountain.” But they had to go, unless they were fine with missing the ferry and getting home really late. The boys said their one last goodbye to the girls, and hit the road.