A Visit to the Vancouver Police Museum

Kenneth Ng

Law 12 students entering the Vancouver Police Museum, where their field trip began

On October 14th and 15th 2015, two Law 12 classes, consisting of Grade 11 students and grads, went on field trips to the Vancouver Police Museum as part of their unit on the history, organization and duties of the police. The museum, which was established in 1983, is devoted to preserving the history of the Vancouver Police Department and providing resources for those studying the role of this department across time and cultures. Located in Gastown, a stylish neighborhood and a national historic site, the museum also serves as a monument to the rich and compelling history of the city St. George’s students call home.

The field trip commenced in the museum, where students were given the opportunity to briefly explore the numerous displays, many of which presented real artifacts and relics. Afterwards, an expert from the museum gave the students a walking tour around the Downtown Eastside area and told the story of Vancouver’s birth and subsequent growth. Overall, the field trip provided students with a new perspective and deepened their knowledge of not only the police, but also the city. Grade 12 student Jonah Dutz expressed his appreciation and praise for the field trip: “The field trip was really interesting because it gave us a new insight into the corrupt history of Vancouver. We also got to hear more personal tales that can’t be found in a textbook or online.”

For more information about the museum, visit http://vancouverpolicemuseum.ca.