‘Father’ of 120, Mr. Hesketh

Mr. Hesketh shows off his trademark smile. (Chris Kwon)

3 years ago, he was notified that he would be transferred to be the Director of Residential Life. As a houseparent in Harker Hall and the Head of Outdoor Education, the change could have been a bit awkward. Instead, Mr. Hesketh calls it an “exciting transition.” This is because he’s enjoyed being with the boarders; getting to know them as ‘family’ instead of as a ‘teacher.’

Although he is always busy moving around, leading workshops and being in meetings, he still enjoys his role in the Saints community. “Getting to know the students better and seeing them grow; seeing their changes in personalities” are what he describes as the best part of being the Director of Residential Life.

Among the many great memories that Mr. Hesketh has had with the Harker Hall community, he loves the annual final Formal Dinner the most. He loves seeing the brotherly connections expressed among the boarders; and the emotion of seeing friends for the last time.

Mr. Hesketh has made many changes in Harker Hall, including having Co-Captains of Boarding. It isn’t the first time Harker Hall has had co-captains, but it’s been a while. Therefore, bringing it back is, well, a change. He thought it was ideal to have Jack Ryan’s analytical personality and Jorge Alamillo’s outgoing, enthusiastic personality together. Every student now has options to see either one of our Captains depending on his personality.

His biggest goal for this school year is to “transition to a culture of 7-day boarding.” In order to help this transition happen, he’s scheduled more weekend activities, workshops, and trips to encourage boarders – especially local boarders – to stay in the boarding house in the weekends. He acknowledges that it’ll be a slow process, but he is positive that eventually the school’s goal can be achieved.

Mr. Hesketh, who also spearheads our community’s annual Hamper Drive and continues to support the Outdoor Education Department, is a very appreciated member of the community. He has brought numerous positive changes to Harker Hall, and his constant hard work and dedication to the residential life from behind the scenes are surely appreciated by the entire Saints community.