GSA’s First Day !

Marek Ormerod

More stories from Marek Ormerod

GSA’s First Day!

The Saint George’s GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) recently had the first of their weekly meetings on Wednesday the 16th . The club’s first get-together touched on different subjects such as ways to expand and encompass more issues as well as whether a change in the club’s name at this point in time would be appropriate. Brian Riback, the club’s reluctant, yet awe-inspiring Chair, leads the pack this year and continues to do an incredible job in his role. Brian is hopeful that the GSA will “make a difference to make the school an even more accepting place than it is” and do that by  “bring[ing] the school more initiatives that bring awareness to the issues regarding sexuality and gender that are present in the society of our school.” Brian has an exceptional background with incredible insight and stoic determination in pursuing gender equality and open-mindedness, and the club looks forward to the new year with him at the helm.

The initiatives put forth by the GSA will be an active part of this year’s Spirit Day along with different facets of everyday Saints life. There are many new and exciting things looking forward for the GSA, even if you aren’t directly a part of the group. For those of you who are, however, much has been said at the meetings that inch towards more out-of-school excursions, as well as more direct interaction with the school community to spread the message of awareness even further

Other old/new things to look for in the near future will be the GSA’s promoting of a self-made “Heteronormativity Reversed” video pertaining to some of the challenges the club is facing which will be made public in a few weeks. Also, as a side note and definitely not a recruiting tactic: the GSA is always open to new members, whether you’re in Grade 8 or Grade12. So if ever you find yourself free at a lunch time, drop by room 229 on Wednesdays to see what all the hubbub is about.