VMUN 2015

From January 30th to February 1st, the 14th annual Vancouver Model United Nations (VMUN) commenced at the Hyatt Regency hotel in downtown. Over hundreds of student delegates passionate about debate and international relations from Canada and the U.S. gathered together and participated in one of the most anticipated MUNs of the year.

The fruitful weekend kicked off with a presentation from keynote speaker Amanda Lindhout speaking on her struggle to survive while being imprisoned in Somalia, kidnapped by teenage criminals. The weekend thus began with her insightful remarks on international diplomacy and independent agency. Along with some opening remarks from the secretariat, VMUN 2015 was officially in session.

As the delegates started on their respective committee sessions in general assembly committees such as WHO, UNDP, to specialized agencies such as NATO and UNSC, the secretariat was hard at work discussing the final details on the much anticipated social on Saturday night. Topics ranging from food aid to military security to cultural preservation brought forth hours of heated debate and hard-fought cooperation. The staff members in each committee worked diligently, delivering the best possible experiences for their fellow delegates. As hours of intense debate ensued, the night eventually cooled off with the final committee session and delegates were finally released from conference rooms.

Although all delegates attended VMUN for the heated debates, there was no mistake they went for the social as well. On Saturday night, committee sessions ended early and delegates rushed to their rooms, eager to dress and impress. With the heart-pounding music along with fresh dance moves, each and every delegate showed off how funky they were on the dance floor and left no regrets. Moreover, a photo booth was also set up for fellow staff and delegates alike who wished to cherish the moment.

Though delegates were worn out and exhausted from a very long day, there were still things to be done; every committee was obligated to attend a ‘Midnight Crisis’ session set appropriately at midnight, where each group of delegates were assigned a unique, simulated crisis to deal with. Delegates were time pressed to resolve a real-life global emergency that required them to put their heads together and pass an applicable resolution to the crisis. It was an action-packed evening and though many were on the verge of falling asleep, every committee was able to tackle their crisis accordingly.

On the final day, delegates attended their final committee sessions to cap off a productive weekend of speech and debate. The 3 days seemed to fly by, as delegates came out of the conference having learned and experienced many new things. Many delegates felt despair and many were cheerful as the final committee session was adjourned, but they set their emotions aside as they anticipated the most hyped up event of the conference; the awards ceremonies. Delegates filed into the ceremony, anxious as to see the results. As secretariats and directors finished off their closing speeches, they were replaced by committee chairs at the podium who would reveal their nominations, leaving the crowd dead quiet with expectancy. But as usual, the Saints boys did not disappoint; multiple students left with certificates representing St. George’s and brought honour home to the red and white.

Farewells were expressed as a weekend of self-improvement, new friendships, and new insight came to a close. VMUN 2015 was by all means the best VMUN so far, and delegates will leave being able to cherish their 3 days spent at the conference and will look back at their experience at VMUN 2015 with great delight.