Edge: A Georgian Masterpiece

What does the school stand for? What does it pride itself upon? What best captures the true essence of the school? The answer lies in the Georgian Yearbook, the heart and pride of the Saint George’s community. Documented in this book…yet I say not that mundane word, “book” for it does not do justice to the true resplendency of the work, no… in this masterpiece lies the myriad of accomplishments and loving memories of the school community. The Georgian is something the student body takes a great deal of pride in and rightfully so.

This year, the students behind the yearbook have outdone themselves with the 2013-2014 edition, “Edge”. This edition is truly a standout in terms of artistic creativity and finesse with a bold new “edgy” design, vivid colours that bring the work to life, and quality craftsmanship. Behind the covers of such opulent artistry, the content does not fail to disappoint with full, detailed, and vivid recounts of all the major happenings of the school year.

I took some time to catch up with Spencer Louie, a senior editor and one of the driving forces behind the Georgian. He had this to say…

What, in your mind, makes this year’s Georgian unique?

“Design changes, but the people who leave those legacies are the most unique thing about the yearbook.”

How much work is done behind the scenes?

“Most of the work is done during the summer-we used to go up into August, but this year we worked until early July, still working into crazy hours.”

How much of an influence has Ms. Van Rijn had on you during your time working for the yearbook?

“She’s really inspiring-out of everyone she has the most solid image of what the yearbook should ideally look like and she’s insanely talented.”

The people like Spencer and Mrs. Van Rijn working behind the scenes to produce the yearbook are extremely driven and passionate. Capturing the essence of a whole school year in one work is not a trivial task and required hours upon hours of work. But in the end, we are left with a priceless masterpiece, an exquisite work of art that will be cherished for years to come.