Jam Packed Grad Assembly

Four canvases were painted separately by different students during the assembly, using different styles of art to create one massive portrait of art teacher Mr. Brian O'Connor.

Harris Mak

Four canvases were painted separately by different students during the assembly, using different styles of art to create one massive portrait of art teacher Mr. Brian O’Connor.

On the morning of Friday April 11th St. Georges held a Grad assembly hosted by Tristan Taylor, Alastair Pitts, George Wen, and Alex McFetridge.  The assembly consisted of a performance by Tristan and a couple other actors on the improv team that aroused some laughs from the audience. Dr. Matthews and Mr. Hersee competed in a ceramic battle to see who could make the best piece on the wheel in a limited period of time. The assembly was capped off by a very loud entertaining concert by lead singer and grad Jack Li and his band; Jack impressed the audience with the power and range of his voice. The assembly was an amazing tribute to the hundreds of talented artists at our school.  The grads did a great job keeping everyone entertained and impressed.