Careers Day

On Friday April 4th, twelve speakers with jobs ranging from bar-tending to business advisors came to Saint George’s and spoke to the grade 11s about their  future.  The speakers gave some rare insight on how to be competitive and what to expect after graduation. They reminded us to find passion with our work and make use of our own skills. A CBC news survey posted on November 2013 told us that only 2/3 of Canadians are content with their  jobs and merely 24 percent love their jobs.

The day commenced with a presentation from Jen Schaefffers (executive director of the CKNW Orphans Fund) that led into an interactive discussion with the entire grade. Jen placed emphasis on the importance of personal values. After her presentation, the boys split up to attend presentations from 3 of 12 speakers.

The speakers were:

Monika Deol – Freelance Communications Consultant

Dr. Shimi Kang – Medical Director/Psychiatrist for Vancouver Community Child and Youth Mental Health and Author

Ian MacKay – Humanitarian/Student

Thomas Masterson ’03 – Managing Director, One Western Capital

Thor Paulson ’08 – Senior Bartender at Wildebeest

Dr. Neil Pollock – Medical Director of Pollock Clinics

Jen Schaeffers – Executive Director of CKNW Orphan’s Fund

Geroy Simon and Davis Sanchez – Retired CFL Football players

Brian Soregaroli ’84 – Co-Founder of Transformation Catalyst Corp.

Michèle Soregaroli – Co-Founder of Transformation Catalyst Corp.

Donovan Tildesley ’02 – Paralympic Swimmer

Donna Turko – Criminal Defense Lawyer and TV/Radio Commentator

Here are our personal experiences with Careers Day!

Robert: I saw Geroy Simon and David Sanchez, Michèle Soregaroli and Jen Schaeffers. Geroy Simon and David Sanchez talked about the importance of teamwork, and to put your team before yourself. They also spoke about their careers in the NFL and CFL, and what they learned about teamwork during their careers. Michèle Soregaroli talked about her career and what she did, and about her past. She spoke especially about keeping true to your values, and not letting money change who you are. Jen Schaeffers spoke about making connections and her career working for a non-profit organization.

Stuart: I took pleasure in listening to Jen Schaeffers, Michèle Soregaroli and Thor Paulson.  I saw Jen shaeffers twice, once in the morning and another time in the afternoon. Both times she spoke of the importance of core values, but only in the afternoon did she talk about making connections online. Jen asked us, “What would come up if I googled you?” and, “Is there anything online about you that you wouldn’t want your grandparents to see?” She taught us how it is important to take advantage of social media sites like twitter by using them to make a positive online representation of who you are.  Michèle Soregaroli talked to us about the ins and outs of business. She talked about using your own individual skills to make a unique business idea. Like Jen Shaeffers Michèle talked to us about maintaing a positive image of yourself online. She said that losing a sale is worth it if you can make a positive and honest impression on someone, because that person will  always recommend you to their friends, creating a spiderweb of connections.  Thor Paulson talked to us about passion. No matter what you do, if you can find passion in it, you will be successful. Thor was a great speaker; he talked about his past and about how his love of people made him a great bartender.

At the end of the day, four grads gave a talk about the university process and journey, and their personal experiences with them.

Thank you to Mr. Brian Lee and St. George’s School for organizing such a meaningful and informative day devoted to the future of Saints students!