WhiteSpot: Will the Heart of BC Last?

When one steps into a WhiteSpot restaurant, a sense of belonging and companionship should instantly surge through them like a shock. I certainly felt this when my family and I slid into the Kerrisdale location just last Sunday. Two lovely hostesses greeted us with warm smiles and friendly jokes. Our reserved booth was ready, and, despite the dozens of other tables full of lively groups, we had not trouble hearing each other speak.

Looking around, only one word could describe the array of other diners inside the establishment. Family. Whether it was a pair or a group of 12, everyone has smiling, laughing, or feasting. The environment had a positive energy to it which seemed to impact each and every person in the room.

The restaurant had banners across the edges of the windows with vibrant, fiery designs to celebrate Chinese New Year, which, matched with the dim and colorful lamps, created a very relaxing environment. The tables and chairs were both formal and comfortable, and the surfaces were shiny and spotless.

Unlike many restaurants found splashed over the city, WhiteSpot has a place in Vancouver’s history. It started in the 1920’s, when Nat Baley slowly hobbled through crowds on his 1918 Model T, selling food from his travelling lunch counter to hungry sightseers. Then before long 1928 rolled around and Nat opened the first WhiteSpot on Granville Street at 67th Avenue. WhiteSpot has grown tremendously since then, now a well known and loved British Columbian chain that has donated millions of dollars to charities and adds ten more restaurants every year. However, their goal to “proudly serve people” may not be as prominent as it once was, and maybe this large part of Vancouver’s history is slipping from it’s once widely-loved standard.

No one likes waiting for food with a hungry stomach, and, unfortunately, that’s what my family and I did for about 20 minutes before a server came over. The workers were clearly understaffed, with two waiters working the entire establishment. Over an hour after we ordered the food a beat-down, baggy-eyed, and sweaty waiter brought over our dishes. He said that it was typically this busy most weekend nights, and that the cooks were university students who both hadn’t been working too long. Though this may have somewhat justified the sloppy service, the fact is that it didn’t change the stain on our evening which was the wait.

It pains me to say that too many restaurants these days are focused on food. That may sound like a weird statement, but the idea that a restaurant should care about how they serve just as much as what they serve really isn’t unreasonable. That being said, the food experience was entirely different than that of the service.

You could fill a three swimming pools with each of the different types of burgers I’ve tried over my lifetime, but man oh man, WhiteSpot’s bacon cheeseburger is one of the greats. Soft, sliced yellow French fries placed around two golden-brown, squishy buns. The inside is sprinkled with thin shavings of onions, and fresh cut tomatoes and crunchy green lettuce lay on top of the meat.

Crispy bacon lays on top of the canvas that is the cheddar cheese, and beneath lies the patty. The juicy brown beef mixed with the other ingredients and a spread of Triple-O sauce forms and enchanting flavour.

After the incredible burst of flavour that was the bacon cheeseburger, my expectations of the spaghetti were high, to say the least. And well-placed, as it turns out. Two warm slices of garlic bread with crunchy edges bordered the pasta. Sprinkled with parmesan shavings, the delicate noodles were met with a rich and fresh tomato sauce and juicy meatballs filled with spice. The

ingredients, though simple, form an extraordinary taste that may cause one to briefly fixate on the pasta and the pasta alone.


The main courses were outstanding, but what after may have been the most memorable part of the evening. The strawberry milkshake was refreshing, sweet, relaxing, and simply put, beautiful. Smoothed whipped-cream glazed over it like a fresh snowfall. The shake itself provided a great many things. The strawberry tint was refreshing and energizing, sweet and rich with flavour. The cool, thick, creamy substance was everything anyone could ask for in a shake. The pink shake was the perfect way to end such a great meal, leaving no one unsatisfied.


Ok. So maybe this joint isn’t flawless, to say the least. But despite that lackluster service, there were certainly two things there that you could not find anywhere else. The first, of course, is the great food. Their vast array of dishes holds something for everyone, and their milkshakes are loved by pretty much everybody. (We all know a guy). And, above all else, the atmosphere there was irreplaceable.

I think WhiteSpot said it best, claiming, “We care about your family, friends, and you. Everyone is welcome at a table. Our passion for providing memorable experiences runs deep.” Their service may have been below standard, but the bright side is that this is a problem that can be easily fixed. If I could guarantee one thing from WhiteSpot, it would be this: You will leave with a satisfied stomach and a memorable experience. And as long as they keep doing that, WhiteSpot will continue to be the heart of BC.



5367 West Boulevard Vancouver (Kerrisdale) BC V6M 3W4
(604) 266-1288 [email protected] https://www.whitespot.ca/


Comfortable, spacious design with a variety of booths, different-sized tables, and bar stools. Design does not promote sound from travelling from other tables.

Noise Level





Sun – Thurs 6:30 AM to 10:00 PM Fri – Sat 6:30 AM to 11:00 PM

Recommended Dishes


Bacon cheddar bigger burger, west coast salmon burger, original beef dip, the Spot’s fish and chips, spaghetti and meatballs, chicken and mushroom fettucine alfredo, tandoori and cauliflower quinoa salad, hot chargrilled chicken salad, milkshakes (all flavours). Appetizers 12-20$, main courses 15- 25$, service not included.



Wheelchair Access

Easily accessible, no stairs.


4 Stars.

What the Starts Mean

Ratings range from 0-5 stars. 0 is poor, or fair. One star is satisfactory. Two stars is good. Three stars is very good. Four stars is excellent. Five stars is extraordinary.