Terry Fox Run 2017

Ben Steiner

Students and staff begin the annual Terry Fox Run

On April 12, 1980 in St John’s Newfoundland, one brave man put his foot in the cold Atlantic Ocean, and set off on a journey of a lifetime. Almost 40 years later, on September 28th, the St. Georges Senior School participated in a special annual event, the Terry Fox Run. This year, the run took place over the newly created X-Block. Students and staff alike ran through the Pacific Spirit Park to raise money for cancer research, and to commemorate one of the nation’s great heroes.


Terry Fox, after being diagnosed with a malignant tumor in his right leg, had it amputated six inches above his right knee. The night before his amputation, he read an article describing a man that ran a marathon with a prosthetic leg. After hearing this, and seeing many small children in the hospital who were battling all forms of cancer, Terry decided that he had to do something to make a difference. He partnered up with the Canadian Cancer Society, and decided to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. After running almost, a marathon a day for 143 days, and raising over 23 million dollars for cancer research, Terry’s cancer had spread to his lungs, and he was no longer able to run. Although Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope had finished 37 years ago, his legacy of perseverance, and resilience carries on with many schools still participating in raising funds and having runs of their own.


St. George’s, being one of the school that participates every year, always tries to do their best and raise as much as possible. Although not many of the boys had seen Terry run on live television, they all feel a connection to this special event. Head Boy Jaden Bains, who has been participating in the Terry Fox Run since 2006, his grade 1 year, was interviewed on his experience with the event he describes as “something that has touched all of us”. When asked about how he felt the run has impacted him, he responded simply, saying “the sight of hundreds of St. George’s boys running, it makes you realize how much we can do for a cause that we all believe in.” Jaden also explained to The Creed why the run should continue explaining “it shows repect to the legacy of a man who stood strong in the face of a challenge. When we run, Canada is one united while fights for a cause that in one way or another has touched all of us.” Terry Fox once told the world that he had a goal. To set an example that will never be forgotten. With the legacy that he left behind, his goal is forever accomplished.