An Update From the University Counseling Department

St. George's School University Counseling Facebook Page

University pennants on the walls of the counseling corridor (2014-2015)

As we enter into term three, the grade 11 and 12s of the school are busy discovering their plans of life after Saints.

The Grads this year have applied far and wide, in an “unprecedented” diversity of exploration. They are applying for programs all over the world, in new places such as Holland, Singapore, Australia, and others.  According to the University Counseling Department, this will be an “amazing year” for them. Post-secondary offers are slowly but steadily rolling in, with much success already in regards to Canadian and British institutions. Yet, many are anxiously waiting for replies from American universities, which are released at the end of March.

St. George’s School University Counseling Facebook Page
University of California Information Night (October 2016)


This is also a busy time for the grade 11s, as they have recently connected with their university counselors for the first time. Many are working together to design course loads for the 2017-2018 school year, keeping in mind post-secondary program requirements. Soon, they will embark on the journey that grads have done this school year.

The University Counseling Department believes that the younger grades should start thinking about their future plans as they travel through their life at Saints: “it will be really useful for grade 10s to look at what the university application process looks like… so they will be readily prepared to be competitive in the process.” However, it is also important for students to strike a balance between university applications and their experience of learning at Saints. They should “research wisely and look outside brand names… while making sure that they are dealing with their broad profiles more than their marks… to work hard but not to miss the moment of being at St. George’s.”

2017 seems to be a very promising year for the graduates and they will have much to celebrate and reflect upon. As term three starts, many are starting to ponder about life after Saints; the grade 11s, especially, will soon find themselves in a position to make significant decisions about post-secondary admission. It will be interesting to see what the rest of this year will bring us!

St. George’s University Counseling Facebook Page
Map of where 2014-2015 graduates will be going